

As a business

Working sustainably

There are lots of things you can do to make your business more environmentally-friendly. Try to travel less by holding meetings via teleconference or videoconference and car share when possible. Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings will save money in the long run, as well as reduce CO2 emissions, which contribute to climate change. Try to minimise waste and recycle where possible. You can also work with your suppliers to improve their environmental performance.

Some business operations can have a direct effect on the health of the environment. It is important that you are aware of legislation and your obligations to protect the environment. The NetRegs website provides clear guidance on environmental regulations for businesses. 

If your business premises have any outdoor space, you could plant native species to make the area more wildlife friendly.

Corporate sponsorship

Conservation organisations and specific projects are always on the look out for funding. Corporate sponsorship is a growing area of funding. It gives businesses the opportunity to contribute to wildlife conservation as well as to raise their own profile. Your business can also become a corporate member of many conservation organisations.

Corporate volunteering

For your next away day, why not volunteer with a conservation organisation? It could be a great team building activity as well as benefiting wildlife.

The Business and Biodiversity website contains lots of information about business involvement in the biodiversity sector.

Bumblebee Bombus hortorum


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