

Denbighshire Local Access Forum

What is the Local Access Forum?

Local Access Forums are formed under section 94 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000) as statutory bodies, which advise on the improvement of public access to land and water for the purposes of open air recreation and the enjoyment of the area.

In addition to having regard to the needs of land management and the conservation of the natural beauty of the area, Forums may advise on links between improved access and the wider associated benefits. These include improvements to overall quality of life such as health and social benefits, as well as sustainable transport, tourism, economy and accessibility.

Contacting the Forum

The Denbighshire Local Access Forum may be contacted via the secretary;

Mr Adrian Walls

Denbighshire Local Access Forum

Denbighshire County Council


Smithfield Road


LL16 3RJ

Telephone: 01824 706871


Members of the Denbighshire Local Access Forum

Denbighshire Local Access Forum has 13 members; 12 appointed members and one representing the appointing authority.

Appointed members represent a balance of interests including landowners or managers (whose land includes access land or land crossed by public rights of way), user groups, and those with skills or interests particularly relevant to Denbighshire such as forestry and tourism.

Forum members serve a term of three years before the forum is reappointed, although members may serve a second term. The majority of members were elected for this term in June 2010.

Meetings of the Denbighshire Local Access Forum

Denbighshire Local Access Forum is required to meet at least twice a year. Meetings are open to the general public, but can be closed at the discretion of the Forum. It may only be possible to raise an issue in person at the discretion of the Chair of the Forum. Each meeting includes the discussion of proposed projects and works relevant to the work of the Forum, updates on current projects and works relevant to the work of the Forum, and a site visit to places of interest to the Forum.

Minutes of recent meetings, annual reports, plus the dates and agendas for future meetings will be published here as soon as they become available. Minutes will not be available until they have been agreed at a subsequent Forum meeting.

Minutes and agendas from older meetings are available by contacting the secretary.

Denbighshire Local Access Forum Documents

Countryside Council for Wales Leaflet on Local Access Forums in Wales


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 25-06-2010


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 22-10-2010


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 02-02-2011


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 07-04-2011


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 26-07-2011


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 03-11-2011


Local Access Forum Meeting Minutes 08-02-2012



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